Finance Staff – Benchmarking – Schools & Academies

Please Note: This is a webinar/event for Education Finance

Approximately 180 minutes.

£180 + VAT per delegate

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This course is designed for school and academy finance staff and aims to give an overview of the benefits of benchmarking using a detailed demonstration of the government benchmarking website and explains how to interpret the results for reporting to your governing body.


The course covers the reasons behind benchmarking, why it is important and how to interpret the data. During this session we will give a full and detailed demonstration of the government's benchmarking website showing the different ways it can be used to view your historic data and comparisons with other schools and academies.


We will explain how to use the information produced to report to your governing body so they can discuss an action plan should any remedial action be necessary.


Benchmarking is a key element within the SFVS and the SRMSAC.


There will be plenty of opportunity for delegates to ask questions throughout the session.


The finish time is approximate depending on the number of questions. 


The course will be delivered online via Microsoft Teams.


Delegates will gain an understanding of the importance of benchmarking, how it is done, how to interpret the results and report on them to the governing body.